Our trailer mounted portable compressors in the SP range include several key features that set them apart from other available machines. The Brüder compressors include the following:
- Fire extinguisher
- External-mounted Emergency Stop button
- High visibility (reflective) day/night tape
- Wheel nut indicators
- Battery isolator
- High flow Nitto coupling
In addition to this, we can offer a basic "Mine Spec" package which includes the above plus the following:
- Wheel chocks (mounted)
- Lockable battery and starter isolators
- High flow Nitto PVR safety coupling (swap)
Several other options are available on demand, these can be added to your machine before delivery:
- Exhaust lagging
- Amber flashing (warning) lights
- Hose whip checks
- Liquid bunds
- Hose burst protections
- High temperature pipe lagging
- Internal Emergency Stop button
- Spare wheel
- Anti-theft wheel nuts (1 per wheel)
- GPS tracking